The Heat Island Effect is Not COOL

Due to the heat island effect, urban areas can add at least another 1 degree to the current 1.5-degree global warming, leading to significant health, economic, and environmental risks, street temperatures of 60-70°C, and sweltering summer nights. Considering that 74% of Europe's population lives in cities, we must immediately step up our adaptation efforts.
More about the Heat Island Effect
The LIFE programme is the EU's funding instrument for the environment and climate action. he Municipality of Szeged and its partners in the COOL LIFE project will research urban heat reduction possibilities and develop tools and solutions that inform, motivate, and assist public and corporate participation in creating a cooler, more livable, sustainable city.

What do we do?

We will make mini-contracts with local communities
We organize educational programs in schools
We organize a city climate roundtable



3D-ben szkennelik be Szeged fáit

A legmodernebb technológiával, lézeres távérzékeléssel és 360-as kamerákkal szkennelik be a Szeged közterületein lévő fákat a Cool LIFE projekt keretein belül.

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